
Two New Books featuring Yusef Lateef’s Compositions and Artwork, YL's Hikima:Creativity album is now available in Mp3 format, and introducing our Mini-shop for low quantity items!

We're happy to announce two new books featuring Yusef Lateef’s Compositions and Artwork:

Biographology comes out of the pairing of poetry and graphic notations of Yusef Lateef. The discography of song/album titles and quotations/remarks show the span of his work through many decades.

Call and Response - Yusef Lateef's Coloring Pages (51 pgs, paperback).
Yusef Lateef calls with his heart and you respond from your heart.

YL's Hikima:Creativity album is now available in Mp3 format on

Yusef Lateef’s “Get Them While They Last ‘Cause They Won’t be Coming Back!” Mini-Shop.
These items are low in quantity, some are original printings and a few are collaborations of limited editions.

Thanks very much for your interest and support for the music and works of Dr. Yusef Lateef.

Be well, take care, love and peace,
Fana Music